This past Friday (April 22), Principia College's Maybeck Gallery held the Senior Art Exhibit's opening reception, welcoming numbers of visitors to observe the diverse artwork of Principia's seven art majors. The exhibit displays a variety of artwork, including printmaking, textiles, photography, resin, web design, gouache, watercolor and oil paint. I featured eleven pieces I've been working on this past school year, focusing mainly on figure painting, specifically portraiture.
All of my work is in the first gallery of the exhibit, except one, "Weaving Serenity", which is hung on the wall you first see as you enter the second gallery. I shared the first gallery with artist, Savannah Switzer, who displayed double exposure photography and resin work, all including a model, sharing my interest in the figure. The second gallery included Alaina Carlson's detailed, hand-drawn, floral lettering, Amanda Milhous' printmaking and wooden box sculpture promoting sustainability, Hanne Anderson's colorful oil paintings, Sentongo Falukh's website for Principia's rugby team, and Sage Stafford's textile work.
The seniors all worked hard to prepare the gallery space, the artwork, and welcoming of the guests! We provided snacks, deserts, and fruit for our dear guests to feel at home amongst all of our artwork. Each artist stood within his or her area, available for any visitor to pose questions or general conversation. All of the hard work that went into making this exhibit happen felt well worth it after hearing all of the appreciation from the gallery's visitors.
I look forward to seeing where my artwork takes me!